Building A Distributed System Using MassTransit

less than 1 minute read

In this series I am going to showcase how to build a distributed system using MassTransit. I am going to start with a basic web API that does not use MassTransit, and then I will refactor it to use MassTransit, adding more features as we go along. These are the topics I will be covering:

  • Part 1: Introducing HonesRemit (coming soon)
  • Part 2: Introduction to MassTransit (coming soon)
  • Part 3: Add MassTransit to HonesRemit (coming soon)
  • Part 4: Understanding the MassTransit message pipeline (coming soon)
  • Part 5: Implementing outbox pattern with MassTransit (coming soon)
  • Part 6: Implementing saga pattern with MassTransit (coming soon)
  • Part 7: Writing unit tests for MassTransit (coming soon)
  • Part 8: MassTransit vs NServiceBus (coming soon)

All the code for this series can be found on GitHub. There will be a few branches that you can check out to see the progress. The main branch will always have the latest code.
