In the previous post we spoke about how we can find the lowest common ancestor between two nodes. In the post we are going to tackle another LeetCode problem – finding the \(k^{th}\) smallest element in a binary search tree.

The Problem

Given the root of a binary search tree, and an integer \(k\), return the \(k^{th}\) smallest value (1-indexed) of all the values of the nodes in the tree.


To find the smallest \(k^{th}\) smallest element we need to do an in-order traversal of the tree while incrementing a counter. Once the counter is equal to \(k\) then we return the current node. Time complexity of the algorithm is \(O(h)\) and space complexity is also \(O(h)\). Here is the code:

public TreeNode<T> GetKthSmallestNode(int k)
    var count = 0;
    return FindKthSmallest(_root, k, ref count);

private TreeNode<T> FindKthSmallest(TreeNode<T> node, int k, ref int count)
    if (node is null)
        return null;

    var left = FindKthSmallest(node.Left, k, ref count);

    if (left != null)
        return left;


    if(count == k)
        return node;

    return FindKthSmallest(node.Right, k, ref count);

Please note that it is important to pass the count by reference (trust me, I got burned once) since we are recursively calling FindKthSmallest. Passing it by value throws everything under the bus since the function calls already on the call stack might be holding onto a wrong value.

This is how we find the \(k^{th}\) smallest element in a binary search tree. All the code is available on GitHub. Till next time, thanks so much for taking your time to read.
