In the previous post we looked at finding the \(k^{th}\) smallest node in a binary search tree. In this post we are going to look at removing a node from a binary search tree.


If the node to be deleted is a leaf node then we just simply delete it. If the node has one child then we replace the node with the child and remove the child. However, it gets a bit tricky when the node has two children. If a node has two children we replace it with its in-order successor and remove the successor. This will be the smallest node in the right subtree of the node. Time complexity for this algorithm is \(O(h)\) where \(h\) is the height of the tree. Here’s the code:

public TreeNode<T> Delete(T value)
    return RemoveNode(_root, value);

private TreeNode<T> RemoveNode(TreeNode<T> node, T value)
    if (node is null)
        return null;

    if (node.Value.CompareTo(value) > 0)
        node.Left = RemoveNode(node.Left, value);
        return node;

    if (node.Value.CompareTo(value) < 0)
        node.Right = RemoveNode(node.Right, value);
        return node;

    if (node.Left is null)
        return node.Right;

    if (node.Right is null)
        return node.Left;

    var parent = node;
    var successor = node.Right;

    while(successor.Left != null)
        parent = successor;
        successor = successor.Left;

    if (parent != node)
        parent.Left = successor.Right;
        parent.Right = successor.Right;

    node.Value = successor.Value;
    return node;

In this post we spoke about how to remove a node from a binary search tree. All the code is available on GitHub. In the next post we are going to look at another LeetCode problem where we create a balanced binary search tree from a sorted array. Till next time, thanks so much for reading.
