In the previous post we implemented an algorithm that counts the number of connected components in a graph. In this post we are going to talk about how we can find the largest connected component – the one with the most vertices.

The Code

This algorithm is very similar to the one we used to count the number of connected components. Instead of returning a boolean value from our recursive function, we will return the number of vertices in a component. Here’s the code:

public int GetLargestComponentSize()
    HashSet<T> visited = new();
    if (_adjacentList.Count == 0)
        return 0;
    var largestSize = 0;
    foreach(var vertex in _adjacentList.Keys)
        var size = GetComponentSize(vertex, ref visited);
        if (size > largestSize)
            largestSize = size;

    return largestSize;

private int GetComponentSize(T vertex, ref HashSet<T> visited)
    if (visited.Contains(vertex))
        return int.MinValue;

    var componentSize = 1;

    foreach(var neighbor in _adjacentList[vertex])
        componentSize += GetComponentSize(neighbor, ref visited);

    return componentSize;

In this post we spoke about how to find the largest connected component size in a graph. This is going to be the last post in this series. All the code is available on GitHub. Till next time, thanks for reading (I always want to type thanks for watching :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)
