Android Architecture Components - Part 1
At Google I/O 2017 Android Architecture Components were introduced. These components are building blocks that work together to implement an app architecture ...
At Google I/O 2017 Android Architecture Components were introduced. These components are building blocks that work together to implement an app architecture ...
Welcome to part 4 of our series. In the previous post we remodelled our app to group related tasks in task lists. Today we are going to add user authenticati...
In the previous post we added the Firebase realtime database to our app and linked it to our ListView using the Firebase UI library. In this post we are goin...
In the previous post we created a simple task management application that had the basic functionalities of adding tasks and marking them as completed. Howeve...
In this series we are going to create a simple android app for managing tasks using firebase as our backend service. The app should be able to do the followi...